Over the past few days a weeks I've had a thought burgeoning in my mind. Conversations with parents, siblings, and my husband have confirmed my thoughts. What the world needs now.... is still LOVE! It is an almost universal human need. The need to connect, to be understood. To be loved.
People are literally screaming for attention. Posts on Facebook show this. News articles describe it. Everyone has different ways of expressing themselves and their own desires for love and validation. People will point out racism, sexism, homophobia, and a myriad of other things, but in reality they are expressing the hurt they are feeling. Their innate need to be heard and recognized. They want other people to show that what they are saying isn't falling on deaf ears.
There is so much hurt in this world. And a lot of fears.
No one wants to be alone. We as humans seem to be trying to fulfill these needs in ways that just won't satisfy. Watching tv shows and movies, we feel for a moment that our individual experience is not completely unique, that others out there can understand. We get on social media, collecting friends to ease our fears of isolation. What are these things really doing for us? Nothing.
Connection. Real conversations, with real people. This is what we need. It's a matter of the human touch. Reaching out to another human soul and saying "I may not fully understand what you are experiencing, but I am here for you. Help me understand." When we do these things, we are spreading a balm of healing. I believe that we are truly being the Lord's hands to hold the hands that hang down. We are comforting those that stand in need of comfort. Let's all be a little more thoughtful, a little more kind. Don't assume that you are alone, and don't isolate yourself. Make connections and learn to love those around you. It doesn't matter if you are black or white, male or female. We are all humans here on earth, God's children. We have a responsibility to love one another.
I don't know about you, but I've felt alone. I've been rejected. We can all ease that pain by listening and understanding. You don't have to be the same to love someone. I feel like we all can relate to these type of feelings, and yet we still isolate ourselves because we have different beliefs, or we are different sexes. It's time for us to realize that there is a lot more common to this human experience and the emotions we feel. Stop putting up walls. Our opinions and differences make us unique and individuals, but that doesn't mean we can't love each other and connect. What the world really needs now is more connection. More love.
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