Hello again! I'm back writing about my new testament adventures and other fun things! This semester I am studying the second half of the New testament which starts off in acts. This last week we read the first six chapters in Acts. The part that stood out to me was chapter 3. In this chapter Peter and John heal a man that had been lame from birth. It is a beautiful miracle. One of the things I liked about it, was the faith the lame man had to have, but also the support that Peter gave to him. Peter told the lame man to rise up and walk, but he didn't expect him to do it on his own. Peter stretched out his hand and helped the man to rise and while he did that the man received strength in his ankles and feet bones. It was through the action of standing that the man was healed! This reminded me of how often I sit and pray for healing or guidance or anything, without thinking of or doing anything other than asking. There is so much more to be done. To get the promised blessing and to be healed and receive what I am asking for, I need to step forward in faith. I need to act. It reminds me of the scripture in James 2 where it says "faith without works is dead." I cannot expect things to come to me, just because I asked for them. I need to show Heavenly Father that I truly will obey his will and do the things he asks of me.
The next part that stood out to me when doing this reading was the fact that Peter and John gave all of the credit back to Christ. In verses 12-16 Peter asks the crowd why they marvel and then goes on to say that it wasn't by any power that John and him hold, but it was done through the name and faith on the name of Jesus Christ. I love what this teaches me about the priesthood. It teaches me that priesthood is the power to act in Jesus' name and that it works when people believe and have faith in Christ. It doesn't come from any strength of mind or will power, it is trusting the Lord in everything and believing on him. This part also shows how well Peter and John were following Christ's example. Christ never said "I am so wonderful! Look at all of the great things which I have done! everyone should follow me because I can raise the dead!" No. Christ was humble and constantly pointing everyone to having faith and believing and following Heavenly Father. Christ said let the glory be thine(God's). Having Peter and John remind us that it wasn't through their own power that they healed the lame man, but through the name of Christ, they are pointing to God as well and asking people to follow Him. This is beautiful and gives me a great example for my life. Sometimes I want people to look at me and say "wow she is so beautiful. Look at all of the talents she has! She is an amazing relief society president. She must be really spiritual." Those would be great things to hear, but my goal should be to have my actions point to Christ. What would be even better and more meaningful is if people could feel closer to Christ and Heavenly Father because of my actions. That should be my goal, rather than praise for myself.
The last thing that I specifically liked about this chapter I learned about in class. It is the fact that the man who was healed didn't just rise and walk with wobbling knees and legs. He started to leap and run about! He completely trusted in the Lord and he was healed quickly through a miracle. This helps me to remember that Christ can do anything. The miracles he performs are not done half way. If I have the faith and it is God's will I can be completely healed. Then, like the healed lame man, I will be leaping and running about for joy! I also love the idea of the lame man leaping around because it shows what happiness comes through exercising faith in Christ. Whenever we give a little to Christ and Heavenly Father, such as having faith in them, we are given back so much more! They are constantly blessing us. It is a beautiful thing!
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