Alright, so yesterday it was a rainy Monday. I love the rain when I can sit inside, wrapped in a blanket and listen to the rain, but I'm not really a fan of it when I have to trudge through it up to school. Add this to the fact that I had tons of homework, didn't get enough sleep the night before and feeling extremely sick, made me not the happiest person and kind of put me in a bad mood. It was with this feeling of darkness that I went into my choir class. I had already skipped my first two classes because I just couldn't handle it and needed to do some homework, but wound up falling asleep. Choir was the first class I walked into, and at first I couldn't sing and didn't really want to. All I could think about was going back to my apartment and sleeping some more, when I decided to change my attitude about it. I was going to think of what the songs actually mean and how I can convey their message to the audience I will be performing for in a week. When my attitude changed, an amazing thing happened. I was able to feel the meaning of the words of the songs and have them change me. The one that really hit me was a song called O Taste and See. In this song it says "O taste and see how gracious the Lord is. Blessed are they who put their trust in Him." This means that, when I trust the Lord and his plan for me, I will be blessed. Later on in the song it says, "So let us love each other well, as God loved us when he gave, the perfect love, His son, our Lord, that all our souls might be saved." In the ten commandments we are told to love our neighbors. What struck me in this song, is that it is a prayer to God for Charity, because that is the pure love of Christ. I want to have this, to love the people I'm around as God would have me love them. Sometimes I feel like I am very good at loving my friends and family, but there are times and certain people that I can easily mock or make fun of, but this isn't what God would want me to do. To have the pure love of Christ and to love our neighbors, I must love everyone. This started to change my attitude for the rest of the day. I started to smile more. Just this little thing made a big difference.
This change reminded me of the songs that I have sung before that have changed me. One is from the choir I am in currently, In Humility which we sang in a Devotional at BYU. A couple other songs were Come Thou Fount, which I was able to sing in the Tabernacle on Temple Square, and Lord Make Me and Instrument of Thy Peace. I urge you to listen to these. In Lord Make me an Instrument of thy peace, it has a part where it is listing all of the things that we are each striving to do. Towards the end it says "For it is in giving that we receive. For it is by faith that we believe. For in forgiving, we are forgiven. It is in dying that we are born to eternal life." Every time I sing these words, I feel the Holy Ghost touch my heart. We are told to forgive all men, and as we follow this, we are promised that when we repent and go to Christ to ask forgiveness, He will give it to us. This is an amazing promise! These songs have inspired me to become an instrument in the hands of God and to help others "taste and see how gracious the Lord is".
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