Monday, April 8, 2013

My Reasons for Blogging.

        Ever just had a bunch of things that you're thinking about, that you just need to express in a place where people will actually hear what you are saying?  Well, that is how I've been feeling lately.  So much in my life has changed recently.  All of my closest friends have left on LDS missions, or have their calls  and are waiting to leave.  They are all going around spreading the Gospel and inviting people to learn more about our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.) and sharing their testimonies all over the world.  This has left me a little lonely.  I'm one of five out of twenty-eight friends who aren't going to serve missions (as of right now that is....).  This blog will be a place for me to share the things that I have learned and my thoughts on different subjects, or just things that I feel like saying. 
          To start off, General conference, where our prophets and apostles speak and teach us, was this weekend.  Afterwards I felt like jumping for joy right up onto the band wagon of missionary work, though I knew I still had a lot of praying, soul searching, and studying to do before that would even be a possibility.  But my desire to share what I know was so strong, I knew I had to do something about it.  The talk that really motivated me to join the thousands of people doing missionary work was given by Elder Russel M. Nelson.  His talk was titled "Catch the Wave".  Here is a short video to give you an idea of what his talk was like....  If you want to hear the whole talk, go to this link:  Elder Russel M. Nelson's talk
           There were other talks though, that let me know that I can share my testimony through other ways, while I figure out if a full time mission is in the cards for me or not.  That again, is one of my reasons for this blog.  As I grow in knowledge and understanding, I want to share it with anyone who is willing to listen.  I'm not the best writer.  My words never seem to come out right, but I will do my best to convey my thoughts in a way that is interesting and exciting to read and explore. 
           I hope you all stay for a while and listen to me.  Thanks for your time!

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