Monday, October 14, 2013

"Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole"

In my New Testament class last week, we learned more about some of the miracles that Christ performed during his ministry.  My favorite one that we discussed is found in the KJV Bible in Mark 5:24-34.  My favorite of these verses is 34 where Christ says "Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague."  I love that Christ calls the woman daughter.  It is very endearing.  The whole story is that Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus' daughter when Jesus walked through a throng of people and a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years had touched his garment, saying, "If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole." (Mark 5:28).  Her faith was complete.  She didn't doubt, but believed that Christ had the power to make her whole.  It is inspiring to hear of this kind of faith.  Another cool thing was how our teacher explained this.  He said that the women had an "issue of blood", but we all have issues.  He explained that the woman had tried all sorts of ways to fix her issue, but the world's way never worked. As soon as she tried it the Lord's way, she was healed.  This is very true in my own life.  When I have issues come up in my own life, if I try to fix it the world's way, things tend to stay the same or get worse.  When I rely completely on the Lord, he never fails me.  The trick is having complete faith in the Savior to make us whole.  So often I find myself, knowing that the Lord or even just the patterns that he has set up can heal me, but I'm so stubborn that I try to do things my own way, but it never works out.  Jesus Christ is willing to save us, heal us, and make us whole, as long as we are willing to reach out to him and believe that he can.  He loves us and will not be upset when we ask for this help.  I like to imagine Christ responding to me in the same way that he did to this woman, "Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole."

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